There is still room to register youth for free activities at the Youth Day Camp. Day One (July 27) – Spirtual Teachings Day Two (July 31) – Historical Site Tour and Day Three (August 10) – Physical Teachings. See flyer for more information.
Squiala Open House
Come enjoy an honoring ceremony and open house of the new Squiala Community Centre located at 45005 Squiala Road, Chilliwack on Saturday, July 28th from 10am-2pm. Light snacks provided.
A big congrats to our latest delegation training graduates!
This group has successfully completed eight weeks of training and back in the office to work on their field guides. Please introduce yourselves and a congratulatory note to the following staff: Agassiz Office – Melissa Jollymore; Chilliwack Office – Tasheena Charlie, Shannon Clark, Mamey Goold and Stephanie Willett; Langley Office – Jaclyn Evers; Mission Office – Sabina Markham, Abbotsford Office: … Read More
Aging Out Ceremony
FVACFSS Annual Ceremony for youth aging out of care and transitioning into adulthood will be on March 7th at the Sumas Longhouse, 2788 Sumas Mountain Road, Abbotsford. Ceremony will start at 2:30 pm. Contact Natalie Brandon at [email protected].
Community Care Committee Training
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